Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Awakening

Never before have I felt more inspired about my future than I do today. I feel so moved it maybe difficult to put into words! Earlier tonight I posted on my Twitter account (Mkarnley), "Right here, right now, I vow to dedicate my life to help those in need" and I mean it! To show you what I mean let delve a little into the past.

For the past couple week I had been in a funk, and I could not figure out what it was. I didn't want to do anything at all. I wasn't Mea anymore. Then today, as I was searching the background of Charity: Water I had an epiphany! Literally. I stared crying, not so much because of the suffering I saw, but the willingness of one man to help try to eradicate their pain. 

His name, Scott Harrsion. He is the brains behind the amazing foundation called Charity: Water that build wells in countries with the need for clean water. His words spoke to me like no others have done before, "I would like nothing better than to be 80 years old and flying back and forth to serve people on need" I feel like I have connected with a man I have never met before on such a deep level. That couldn't have been said better.

I will make a difference in this world! I know God has it in store for me. 

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