Saturday, June 20, 2009

Taking my own advice

Earlier today my sister Nichole asked me to pray for her and insisted that her prayers were simply not working. I told her, "The answer to a prayer doesn't always come when you want it but when you need it most. And sometimes its not even what you expected but exactly what you needed." Meanwhile this entire week I've been complaining to myself about how I do so much around the house and no one appreciates it. Once I was deemed "lazy" for not wanting to wash the dishes someone else made after I just washed the ones in the sink was the las straw. "I'M MOVING OUT!", I said to myself. Then I realized that I would have to concern myself with thing like paying rent and finding a job so I opted out. (Don't get me wrong being on your own sounds exciting and all but not in the recession, honey) I continued the week with more work (which of course went without thanks) and unnecessary comments. When I was beginning to shut down my mom walks into my room and envelops me into a bear hug. "Thank you, Mea, for everything, you're a great daughter", she says. The Lord really does answer prayers when he knows you need it most and in the most unexpected ways.

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